Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Blog Title - Island Girl Reads.......

Hi friends, just a quick note to let you know I have changed my blog from Evys Books to Island Girl Reads.  I feel the latter personifies who I am as a native Jamaican.  I hope I find time to post more often but rest assured, the reading continues.  Smooches.

A Big, Fat 49-Author Contest for My Debut, Take 2

On of the coolest promotions I have ever seen from Therese Walsh, author of The Last Will of Moira Leah which is newly released.  Take a look:

"I know you already know that The Last Will of Moira Leahy releases TODAY in trade paperback, with a lovely new cover and an even lovelier recession-friendly price tag. You’ll be able to find the book at TARGET mid-month, but before then, you’ll hopefully find it at your local bookstore or online. And if you don’t, ask them to order it for you! As with the hardcover release, the first two weeks are the most critical to the success of the run. Early demand means another printing, which creates a positive cycle of more orders and increased visibility in the stores. You know I appreciate your support, and if you don’t, let me tell you again: I really appreciate your help. I appreciate you spreading the word on your own blogs. I appreciate you spreading the word on Facebook. I appreciate you spreading the word on Twitter. And I really appreciate you buying my book and recommending it to your book club. Thank you, thank you! To celebrate the release, *fourty-nine* of my fellow authors have agreed to donate TWO copies of one of their books for a “My Sister and Me” contest on my Facebook Author page. The idea being that if you’re one of the winners, you’ll have a copy of one of these books to keep and another copy to share–with a sister or a friend. Scan down to see the books and read their descriptions; and find links to each of the contributing authors’ websites and, if available, their blogs, Facebook pages, and Twitter pages. Please support these authors who are so generously supporting me now.

And then, once you’ve drooled through the list, added these authors to your Twitter feeds and friended them all on Facebook, please go to my Facebook author page, click LIKE it, then follow the simple instructions for entering the contest for a chance to win two copies of one of these books. Want to spread the word? Visit my Facebook page to learn how doing so can earn you extra entries in the contest.

Visit this link to sign up and view the list of books for the give-a-way:
