Saturday, May 9, 2009

Southern Reading Challenge 2009

Another Challenge you say? Well, I was gonna read them anyway!
Read at least 3 books based in the South. The rules are easy:
Read 3 Southern Setting Books by Southern Authors in 3 Months beginning May 15 through August 15!
Here are my choices:
The Help by Katheryn Stockett
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Girl who stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson
Cane River by Lalita Tademy
If you are interested in this challenge, please visit to sign up.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Books, books, so many books, so little time! I gave myself the challenge of reading 50 books this year with 25 of those borrowed from my library! After joining a few yahoo groups related to books I love and book challenges, I realize I am not even close to being the book reader I aspire to be. There are people who have already read 100 books are we are not even half way though the year! I ask the question, can you read a book that quick and really enjoy it?

Well, I am not going to beat myself up over this. This week I got my first review book (an erotica) so I am thinking I may start a new blog as I just cannot see "Wanton Wager" next to...or....above Kite Runner! Just doesn't add up! We shall see!!

As for an update, I have completed perhaps 6 books from the library and currently reading Grapes of Wrath. I kept Song of Solomon too long so I have to return it. Kite Runner was so good, now I want to read A Thousand Splendid Suns (by the same author) so that's an issue as now I can't concentrate on Grapes of Wrath.

OK - Mother's Day weekend is coming up and I asked my husband to take care of the kids so I can have my peace and quiet and finish my books.

Smooches Blog Land!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Kite Runner

Profound, thought provoking. I totally enjoyed this book! Its one I would not have read had it not been for my decision to read some bestsellers in 2009. I picked up the book on cd at the library for a 4 hour trip and got so wrapped up in the story.....the writer Khaled Hosseini, actually read it and since he is from Afghanistan, he is able to pronounce words which I may not have understood on my own. In the book, Khaled always put the english version of any word he writes in his native language .....for the benefit of the reader of course!

This story revolves around Amir, a Pushtan boy, who is the son of a wealthy merchant in Kabul, Afghanistan. Amir talks about his relationship with his dad whom he refers to as "Baba". Amir also reflects on his relationship with Hassan, A Hazara and the son of their servant Ali. Amir yearns for his father's love and respect and is jealous of Baba's seemingly love and respect of Hassan.

The book weaves a tale of relaxed childhood days spent in Kabul where Amir would go to school, return home to play with Hassan, who could not attend school as he is a servant boy. Hassan loves Amir and looks up to him and would do anything to protect him. The story is set against a backdrop of upheaval in Afghanistan and explores the fall of the monarchy in Afghanistan through invasion of the Soviet Regime, the mass exodus of refugees to Pakistan and and other countries and recounts the "chilling" rise of the Taliban.

This reads more like a "Memoir" and most of the time I think Khaled Hosseini gave an account of his own life ........rather than creating a fictional story........Its simply amazing and a must read!!